
LLLT(Low Level Laser Therapy) low level laser energy lipolaser treatment

 LLLT(Low Level Laser Therapy) has been used for many years,low level laser emits low level laser energy lipolaser treatment is completely noninvasive,safe,have no side effect for fat loss.

It penetrate into skin surface and stimulates the fat cell membranes,changing their permeability,the fat cells reduce their overall size and intracellular fat is released then the fatty trigly cerides flow out of the disrupted cell membranes and into the interstitial space,where they gradually pass through the body’s natural metabolic functions with no harmful physiological effects,this process is resulting in inch loss of patiens.

Applied range
Intensive physical lipolysis to remove fat
Excess fat cell melted
Body slimming, cellulite reduction
Smooth fatigue
Remove obstruction from channels and collaterals
Promote and accelerate the body’s metabolism

1.It offers the smoothest,best body-contouring result
2.It entails only a short recovery time
3.Minimal disounts is involved
4.It is safer than traditional
5.It tightens the skin around the treatment area
6.It is more affordable than triditional
7.The results are permanen
8 Pain free,no surgery and have no side effect
9 Complete safely and efficiently
10. Non-invasive,fat reduction and body shaping
11 Cold low lasert

Laser safety penetrates patients skin at a specific wavelength ( 650nm) targeted for Adipose ( Fat ) cells. Adipose cells are permeated releasing free fatty acids (FFA`s), water and glycerol. Together these compounds are known as Triglycerides. Triglycerides are normally released from fat cells when the body needs energy once released the glycerol and free fatty acids are used by the body as an energy source. Adipose cells ‘ shrink’ significantly resulting in inch loss for the patient. Exercise or a 10 minute Whole Body Vibration session is recommended immediately post Lipo Laser treatments to burn FFA`s within the body and help stimulate the lymphatic system.

5-10 minute Consultation with Technician about the LipoLaser and their goals and concerns. Paddles are then place onto body areas of a time that is discussed during consult. Diodo Lipolaser Body Contouring Machine

The LipoLaser Can Help You
• Reduce Fat
• Reduce Stretch Marks
• Skin Shrinkage
• Lose Inches
• Eliminate Cellulite
• Spot Reduction
• Chin “Tucks” with chin fat
• Eliminate Muffin Tops Easily and Effort

